Ula Aweida holds a PhD in Arabic language and literature from the University of Haifa (2017). She has been working as lecturer for classical Arabic literature and Arabic language at the University of Haifa, the David Yellin Academic College of Education and the Oranim College of Education for several years. In her research she focuses mainly on classical Arabic rhetoric and poetry and literary criticism in Arabic literature. As a postdoc fellow at VISIONIS she will explore the literary visualities in pre- and Early-Islamic poetry and rhetoric. Besides her academic work, Uli is publishing her own poetry in various newspapers and journals, mainly in Al-Ithad newspaper.
Doctoral Dissertation:
Aweida, Ula. The Horizon of Metaphorical Analysis: A Study of the Metaphors of Bashshār b. Burd's Love Poetry (Approved: January 2017). Supervised by Prof. Ali Hussein.
Aweida, Ula (2007). "Diwan al-Sumayser". al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language
and Literature 28, 157 - 219. [in Arabic]
Aweida, Ula (2006). "al-Sumayser the man and the poet". al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic
Language and Literature 27, 105 - 193. [in Arabic]