Or Amir completed his PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2020) and is now adjunct lecturer at the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and in the Rothberg International School. His research deals mainly with the social history of Sufism and the cult of the Sufi saints in late medieval Islam, with a focus on the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517). As a postdoc fellow at VISIONIS he will explore the origins of Islamic perceptions of sanctity within the wider contexts of the world of Late Antiquity, and from the perspective of visual culture studies.
- Amir, Or. Mamluk Emirs and Sufi Shaykhs: A Study in the Relations between Rulers and Saints, 1260-1400 (Approved: June 2020). Supervised by Prof. Reuven Amitai and Prof. Daniella Talmon-Heller.
- Amir, Or. “Muslim Religious Life in the Safed Area during the 13th and 14th Centuries according to a ‘New-Old’ Source.” Cathedra 156 (2015), 39-70 [Hebrew].
- Amir, Or. “Niẓām al-Dīn Yaḥyā al-Ṭayyārī – An Artist in the Court of the Ilkhans and Mamluks.” Asiatische Studien 71/4 (2017), 1075-1091.
- Amir, Or. “Islamic Learning on the Silk Roads: The Career of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Akhawī (d. 1400).” In Along the Mongol Silk Roads: Merchants, Generals, and Religious Experts, eds. M. Biran, J. Brack and F. Fiaschetti, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2020, 290-314.
- Amir, Or. “Forming a New Local Elite: The ‘Uthmani Family of Ṣafad.” Forthcoming in The Mamluk Sultanate and Its Periphery, ed. F. Bauden, Louvain: Peeters, 2023, 1-22.
- Amir, Or. “From Saint to Eponymous Founder: Abū Bakr al-Mawṣilī (d. 797/1394) and his Ṭarīqa Mawṣiliyya.” Accepted for publication in Journal of the American Oriental Society (expected publication: first issue of 2023).