In the Press


Scriptures and their Visual Faces, International Workshop , 29-30.01.23 , Jerusalem

1 February, 2023

On January 29th and 30th we held our first international workshop on vision and visuality in holy scriptures and their interpretations, spanning from Rabbinic Judaism, Early Christianity, Zoroastrian traditions to Buddhist approaches, with a special emphasis on aspects of vision in the Qur'an and Early Islam. The second day was dedicated to meetings with local Muslim and Christian interlocutors learning and discussing their approaches to visual and sensual aspects in their religious traditions. 

Tour to Acre

Tour to Acre 12.12.2022

12 December, 2022

The Visual in Sufism and Islamicated Urban Architecture

VISIONIS seeks to study the importance of mystical and visual experiences in Early Islam both by studying Qur’anic and Early Islamic texts and material objects as well as by zooming out on later times and different communities for comparisons. In our tour to Acre we visited the Shadhuliyya Yashrutiyya Sufi order and had a look at a variety of other different visual expressions of Islamic belief and practices in the urban setting, both old and contemporary. 


Colloquia 2022-2023

30 October, 2022

Our monthly colloquia this term will be dedicated to survey and discussion of research about visual studies in Islamic Studies, Late Antiquity Studies and adjacent fields. If you are interested to join and for more information, please contact Hannelies Koloska.        

Reading Group

Reading Group 2022-2023

24 October, 2022

This term we are holding our weekly reading group on Mondays 10.00-12.00. We are reading relevant excerpts of exegetical works, starting with Tafsīr Muqātil. If interested to participate and for more information, please contact Hannelies Koloska.

first meeting

First Project Meeting October 20, 2022

20 October, 2022

On October 20, 2022, the VISIONIS project celebrated its first meeting this year, welcoming three new members that joined the team. The core team of the project is now complete. On that occasion Hannelies Koloska presented a lecture on Visualities in the Qur’an accompanied by some refreshments and raising a toast for the new academic year.